Kingswood Village is a peaceful community, but in the unfortunate circumstance that you find it necessary to place a complaint about noise or other violations, here is information that Placer County makes available, and numbers that may be helpful:
Both Kingswood Village CC&Rs and Placer County require “quiet hours” beginning at 10:00 p.m. People who are being disturbed by renters are able to call the Placer County hotline and file a complaint.
To file a complaint regarding a unit that you know is an STR, Placer County's Short-Term Rental Helpline is available 24/7. Please call (530) 448-8003. Complaints are recorded and documented by the County. After a certain number of complaints, the County will then cite the owner with a code violation. Operated by Host Compliance, the hotline is intended to offer neighbors a simple, anonymous alternative to calling law enforcement to report non-emergency issues like noise or parking problems caused by short-term rental guests.
If noise is occurring after midnight, please contact Placer County's Sheriff's Office at 530-886-5375 if immediate assistance is needed. You will be asked to give your name and address when making a complaint.
(If you call the Sheriff's Office with a noise complaint, if you believe the unit is an STR, please also call the Short Term Rental Helpline (number above) so that noise complaints are documented by the county.). Link